Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sunday, November 15 

This week we were excited to get ready for the Family Havdallah Night!
Some of our classes made invitations that were sent home inviting their parents to this excited event this Saturday night. See flyer below: 

We got to enjoy our monthly Youth Lounge! 
We celebrated Rex's birthday this week!  While enjoying delicious cupcakes, together we discussed  what it means to celebrate a Jewish birthday. We discussed a few pointers: Giving charity, learning Torah and make good resolutions. 
Rex's new resolution for this year was to fill up his whole Tzedakah box.We are so proud of him!  
We then enjoyed a hot dog lunch, following fun activities! Some enjoyed playing board games, other in the activity room made shrinky dinks art and other played sports outside. 
Can't wait to see you next month! 

Wednesday, November 11

This week, in honor of Veterans Day, we spent our day at Hebrew School learning about and honoring the Israeli Defense Force. 
We learned what it takes to be a soldier and the unique role of an Israeli soldier, they are at the front lines protecting the land of Israel. We made cards that were sent to Israeli soldiers who are currently serving in Israel. 

We are also excited to introduce our 
Hebrew through Movement curriculum! 

“Hebrew through Movement,” is a language acquisition strategy in which students learn Hebrew by hearing and responding to Hebrew commands.  
We began with simple verbs such as לָשֶׁבֶת (sit down) לקום (get up) and continue to add words each class.
Starting with verbs, moving to adjectives  and then to nouns, we will soon be able to complete full sentences in Hebrew. The students really enjoy learning Hebrew through movement and fun. Stay tuned for our Hebrew curriculum updates!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wednesday, November 4 

We had such a great day at Hebrew School, a day filled with learning and fun! 

Morah Frumie's class this week learned about the Midah of Baal Tashcis- Not putting anything to waste. There are many things that may seem like garbage but can actually be reused again or saved for someone else who may find benefit with it. Recycling is a great way of fulfilling the Mitzvah of not doing Baal Tashchis. We also finished up learning about the different prayers in Davening and even acted them out :) 

Morah Gnendy's class had an introduction to their curriculum this year of All Around Town! They pretended to be going on a trip off to town to learn all about differant topics and Mitzvot in which we can become better people in our day to day life. 

Morah Shaindy's class learned this week about the Jewish Hero Sarah- the wife of Abraham. They learned about her unique role in Jeiwsh history and about the miracle that her Challah would stay fresh through out the week. The class had a great time making Challah and shaping it into beautiful loaves.

Sunday, November 1

What a fun and productive Sunday we had this past week. 
Morah Chana's- We Continued to learn about Abraham and his wife Sara. We learned about the three miracles of their Tent and how they loved having guests. We also discussed the three angels that came to visit Abraham.

One of the things that we are working on in our Hebrew reading is being able to identify and read our Hebrew names. 

Morah Leah's class - We continued with the story of Noach and the Ark. We took it a step deeper to discuss the concept of Teshuvah /repentance. To understand this point we did an activity  with yarn  and scissors. Ask your child to explain the connection. 
Morah Frumie's class- We learned about another fundamental concept- Hashgacha protis / Divine Providence. Life is like a puzzle where sometimes we only see one piece and not the whole picture. However we know that G-d has a master plan. 
Morah Chanah- We continued to discuss the prophet Elijah and played a grand jeopardy as a review from the past couple of lessons. We also began writing a journal at the end of day to write down lessons that we have learned.