Wednesday, December 2
We had such an excited and fun filled day learning all about Chanukah!
Each class reviewed the story of Chanukah through props and hand on activities.
Chai Hebrew School is producing their very own "movie" of the Chanukah story!! Every child was VERY excited to narrate and illustrate our movie. After reviewing the Chanukah story, every child got a chapter of the story that they drew a picture of and recording a narration of their part. Stay tuned for our movie production!
We then alternated between the classes enjoying some Chanukah centers. We made drip mats for our Menorahs (that can be used to place under the Menorah, preventing the wax to ruin the table the Menorah is on). We played a fun game of dreidel and played an exciting game of Step On It with different Chanukah pictures!
Chanukah is in the air and we cannot wait for next week to celebrate Chanukah in school! We will be having a school wide Chanukah celebration!
Happy Chanukah!