Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Dear Parents, 

We had a great day at Hebrew School this week! 
In Morah Gnendys class they learned about a Mezuzah. They learned that we place a Mezuzah at every doorpost. Inside a mezuzah it has the prayer of Shema and because it is holy and a protection for our home, as we walk by the mezuzah we try to kiss it.

In Morah Frumies class they learned about the 6 days of creation. They learned what Hashem created in the world on each day and learned on the 7th day Hashem rested. The 7th day is Shabbat and every week on Shabbat we remember how Hashem rested and it is a day of rest for us. Next week they will continue to learn about Shabbat and the different customs. (Pics to follow next week!) 

In Morah Rivkys class they learned about the next Jewish hero Yaakov. Yaakov loved to learn Torah, do Mitzvot and treated his parents with respect. Yaakov had a brother Eisev who loved to hunt animals and behaved very different from Yaakov. 
We are so proud of our Aleph Champ champions Aiden, Max and Ben for moving up a level in Aleph Champ! We are so proud of you! 

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