Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wednesday, October 29 

We all had such a great day at Hebrew School this week! 
Morah Frumie's class learned about another Midah (charecter trait) of Kibud Av V'aim- honoring ones mother and father. Through games and scenario charades they learned and discuss different ways one can have respect and bring honor to their mother and father.

Morah Gnendy's class continued learning about the prayers in Davening. This week they discussed the prayer where we ask for the Bet Hamikdash- the holy Temple, to be rebuilt. They discussed that every good deed that we do "adds another brick" and brings us one step closer to the Bet Hamikdash being rebuilt. 

Morah Shaindy's class learned this week about the Jewish Hero Abraham. They discussed that Abraham was the first Jew and what his life was like and the effect he has had on the future of the Jewish people. They played a fun jeopardy game at the end of the day as a review game! 

Congratulations to Max and Ben for moving up in Aleph Champ from level white to level red! Great Job! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sunday, October 25

It's been another super week at  Chai Hebrew! 
We worked diligently at our Aleph Champ Centers and are progressing nicely! 

Morah Chana W. class learned all about Abraham the first Jew. They also enjoyed working on their scrapbook. (It is some masterpiece that they are creating!)

Morah Leah's class had a fun-filled day learning about the six days of creation. They also learned about the two souls we each have in side of us!

Morah Frumie's class learned about the fundamental value in Judaism - Emunah/ faith. 

Morah Channa's class began to learn about Elijah the prophet! 

** At the dinner table ask your child to share with you a thought from Hebrew school! 
Email us back what they shared and your child will be entered in a raffle!

Wednesday, October 21

We had such a great day of learning and fun at Hebrew School! 
Morah Frumies class learned this week about Hachnasat Orchim- the mitzva of inviting guest. 
We learned that Abraham was the first Jew in history to teach us about this mitzvah. He lived in the desert and would always invite travelers into his tent for a rest and drink. Our class got a special surprise of Abraham "visiting" our classroom and bringing us into "his" home for a treat! The friends got to go to Morah Frumies home for a treat- allowing her to fulfill the mitzva of Hachanast Orchim! 

Morah Gnendy class continued learning about Davening and the prayers they say at Hebrew School. 
This week they learned that just like any community helper wears a uniform i.e. a police officer or firefighter  so too the "uniform" of a Jewish boy is wearing a Yalmukah and Tzitzit. They also learned about the prayer of Harini Mikabel- every day accepting upon ourselves to love our fellow friend as yourself. They then played a fun game, a hunt in partners, exemplifying the idea of being kind to one another and working with together.

Morah Shaindy class learned about their first Jewish Heroes- Adam and Eve. 
They learned that G-d created Adam from the dirt in the ground and G-d created Eve from a piece of Adams limb. They were the first humans on earth. The class had a great time tracing themselves out of "dirt" and learning about this week Jewish Hero. 

We are continuing our studies in Aleph Champ and learning lots! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sunday, October 18 

Hebrew School is in full swing! Our classes are advancing in their learning of their curriculum of the year- many classes focusing on Jewish History. 

Morah Chana class learned this week about Noah and the ark. They learned that Noah built a big Teiva (boat) to save his family and animals from the big flood. 

 Morah Leah class learned about the importance of learning Jewish History. They also learned about how every Jew has a Jewish soul, a Neshama, that always yearns to be growing upward. They lit a candle and watched how now matter what way the candle was turned, the flame always remained upward. It was a great hands on example of what a Jewish soul is about, no matter what the Jewish nation has been through, a Jew will always remain a Jew. 

Morah Frumie class learned all about the mitzva of Tzedakah- charity. They learned that is an easy mitzvah for each of us to do at almost any time! 

Morah Chanah class learned about Jewish history when the Jewish nation was split during King Solomon. 

Our first session of Aleph Champ has been such a success!! 
Our Aleph Champ room is set up with 3 centers - a reading center, workbook center and game center. The children rotate between all 3 centers, rotating every 12-15 minutes. 
Every kid received their own personalized Aleph Champ binder to keep their Aleph Champ worksheets organized. Don't forget to send back the homework sheet! 

We had our first week of Youth Lounge! The Youth Lounge is an opportunity for our students to hang out with their friends in a fun and exciting atmosphere. Some of the friends enjoyed baking delicious chocolate chip cookies, while others chose to play football and sports. Contact us for more info on our Youth Lounge! 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wednesday, October 14

This week our students learned a lot! 

Morah Gnendys class spent this weeks lesson on Prayer. They went through the different songs and prayer we sing during Davening, why we say them and what we are thanking Hashem for. 
They will be covering all the prayers over the next two weeks and compiling their OWN Siddur with the prayers and pictures of the students acting out that prayer. 
After learning the prayer of Modeh Ani- Thanking Hashem for returning back our soul after waking up, the class demonstrated going to sleep, waking up and saying Modeh Ani. They also practiced washing their hand and saying the prayer Al Nitilat Yadim

Morah Frumie class learned all about the Midah of Bikor Cholim- visiting someone who is sick. They learned that a Midah is a good character trait, not something that MUST be done but something that is the RIGHT thing to do. Over the next few weeks they will be covering different positive Midot that can be applied to our lives. They made cards and envelopes that were sent to children who are not feeling well and in the hospital, fulfilling the Mitvah of Bikor Cholim.

Morah Shaindy class had their introduction lesson on their  Jewish Hero Curriculum. They learned what makes up a hero and every person can make a difference and change the world.

We started Aleph Champ this week! 
Every student was given their personalized binder with an Aleph Champ workbook, reader and homework folder. Our students were very enthusiastic about learning how to read and we cannot wait to see the progress they will make this year! 
Please try to send back your child's homework so he/she can get a sticker on their Aleph Champ homework chart :)