This week our students learned a lot!
Morah Gnendys class spent this weeks lesson on Prayer. They went through the different songs and prayer we sing during Davening, why we say them and what we are thanking Hashem for.
They will be covering all the prayers over the next two weeks and compiling their OWN Siddur with the prayers and pictures of the students acting out that prayer.
After learning the prayer of Modeh Ani- Thanking Hashem for returning back our soul after waking up, the class demonstrated going to sleep, waking up and saying Modeh Ani. They also practiced washing their hand and saying the prayer Al Nitilat Yadim.
Morah Frumie class learned all about the Midah of Bikor Cholim- visiting someone who is sick. They learned that a Midah is a good character trait, not something that MUST be done but something that is the RIGHT thing to do. Over the next few weeks they will be covering different positive Midot that can be applied to our lives. They made cards and envelopes that were sent to children who are not feeling well and in the hospital, fulfilling the Mitvah of Bikor Cholim.
Morah Shaindy class had their introduction lesson on their Jewish Hero Curriculum. They learned what makes up a hero and every person can make a difference and change the world.
We started Aleph Champ this week!
Every student was given their personalized binder with an Aleph Champ workbook, reader and homework folder. Our students were very enthusiastic about learning how to read and we cannot wait to see the progress they will make this year!
Please try to send back your child's homework so he/she can get a sticker on their Aleph Champ homework chart :)
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